Monday, October 10, 2011

DIY Simple Wall Art

I wanted to share with you a quick and easy Wall Art project I just finished. I saw something on that sparked my interest. It was from blog called Virginia and Charlie. You can go ahead and check out her super cute project here

Based on some comments on Pinterest, I decided to try a different version. You'll need just four things for this version:

Canvas (you pick the size)
Elmers Glue (regular old Elmers glue in the squeeze bottle)
Acrylic Paint - color of your choice

Let's skip to the part where I show you my finished product :)

I liked the pattern used in the blog above, so I decided to stick with something similar. I used pencil on a blank white canvas and drew out my design. Then I used Elmers glue and traced my drawing. NOTE: a steady hand and evenly dispersed glue makes for a more seamless finished product. However, I really wasn't going for perfection here, just wanted a nice thick texture. I discovered that it's best to do two coats of glue. Once the first glue design dries, I would go back over it one more time. Once the glue dries, paint the entire piece. This may also take a few coats depending on your color choice. (side note: When I first made this, I used one coat of glue, let it dry, then painted. That's when I realized the texture wasn't thick enough for my liking, so I did the 2nd coat of glue, repainted and found I was much more satisfied with the results)

So here it is, up on the bathroom wall. Picture isn't great, but you get the idea :)

If you try this, I'd love to hear what you did and any variations you tried! Have fun!!


  1. It looks great! I need to try one of these myself.

  2. Thank you! If you do try, I really want to see a pic. So interested in all different things you could come up with, with this project :)
