Thursday, October 6, 2011

FUN with WINE - Halloween edition

I love red wine. Typically on Thursdays, I have a girlfriend over and we watch (OK.. don't judge me) Vampire Diaries. It's a MUST to drink red wine on Thursday nights... but let's be honest... any night of the week is fine by me. 

I was at Michaels and found these really cute Halloween wine labels. Basically they are stickers and you simply stick them over the label on your wine bottle and VOILA! You have "Blood Brew". Or "Love Potion" 

I had three bottles handy, so I chose:
Blood Brew - Contents may have congealed during shipping
Truth Serum - Warning: May cause loose lips and free spirits (my fav!)
Wishing Tonic - Limit to 3 doses per day

Thought these would be really fun for a (adult) Halloween party! You could also make your own with large printer labels too! I checked out and found these Martha Stewart labels that look really cool (almost wish I had seen these first) ------>  You can also get them at